This entry is part 3 of 4 in the series Guava Chiffon Cake

Brushing guava syrup onto cake layers

Use a butter knife to loosen the cake from the pan edges if necessary. Invert onto your cake platter, peel off the parchment paper, and split the cake into two layers. Insert a flexible cutting board between the two layers and lift off the top layer, inverting it cut side up onto another flexible cutting board.

For more detailed instructions and pictures on splitting the cake, see Chantilly Cake Tutorial: Splitting and Frosting Chantilly Cake (Part 6).

Brush half of the guava syrup on the cut side of each cake layer.
Guava syrup brushed on cake layers

Make sure to brush the syrup all the way to the cake edges, or those cake pieces will be a little drier.

These layers should be brushed further to the edges.

Guava concentrate added to whipped cream

Whip the cream in an electric mixer until barely stiff.

Add the ½ c. guava nectar concentrate.
Guava whipped cream

Whip until stiff.
Filling the cake with guava whipped cream

Place one third of the frosting onto the bottom cake layer. Use a small, metal angled spatula to spread frosting evenly out to the edges.
Covering the filling with  top cake layer

Place the top layer, cut side down, onto the frosted bottom layer.

Frosting top and sides close up

Working a small section at a time, place some frosting onto the cake top, then push it over the edge and quickly frost the side.
Frosting top and sides
Repeat until all the sides are covered.

Frosted Guava Chiffon Cake

Finish smoothing the top last.
Cover and chill for a couple of hours or more to set the frosting.

Series Navigation<< Guava Chiffon Cake Tutorial: Making the Cake (Part 2)Guava Chiffon Cake Tutorial: Glazing the Cake (Part4) >>