Instant Potato Veggie Soup Packets
It’s been rain, rain, rain in the whole state of California for weeks–definitely soup weather. Laurel, who’s away at college, requested I send her more soup packets to make in her dorm room. Last year I made her some Kale and Chickpea Soup Packets, which she and her friends loved. So I thought I’d stir...

Chinese Style Spaghetti Squash Soup (No Fin Soup)
Here’s a simple soup to help use up those ubiquitous spaghetti squash this time of year. Also what better use of the Thanksgiving turkey bones most of us will have later this week than to make some broth that can be used in this recipe? Start by partially cooking the spaghetti squash. I like to...

Chickpea Kale Soup Packets
Some get well sunshine for my sweetie~ It’s hard being away from your child when they’re sick. Only last month we settled Laurel in at college, and already she texted me that she’s sick. Something’s going around in the dorms now. Oh how I wish I could make her a big pot of soup and...

Tea Sandwich Trays
Summer is slowly coming to an end~ This past month has been busy with cleaning and organizing the house, and getting Laurel ready to go off to college. Amongst all the hustle and bustle, we’ve enjoyed simple tea trays, quickly thrown together, and savored together in the warm weather. Smoked Salmon is always a favorite here. Lemon zest,...

Frozen Smoothie Bowls to beat the heat!
NWS Heat Index : a quantity expressing the discomfort felt as a result of the combined effects of the temperature and humidity of the air. When I went back home to Hawaii earlier in the month, the heat index was 100 and above–boy was I miserable in that heat and humidity! It really is much hotter...

Strawberry Rhubarb Piece of Pie Parfait
The thing about pies are that they usually take at least an hour to bake. To cut down on the time, and a bit on the calories, I’ve been enjoying a deconstructed “taste” of pie by making the filling and crust separately. Strawberry rhubarb filling cooks up in less than 10 minutes, and pie crust...

Charred Kale Sticky Rice Dumplings
Kale dumplings! Weekly question for the past several months after looking in my CSA produce box: What should I do with all this kale? I’ve tinkered off and on with making a gluten free dumpling, but never very successfully– until I made these. The flater leaf lacinato kale, also known as dino (dinosaur) kale works much better than...

Rotisserie Chicken Noodle Soup
The flu season is definitely in full swing all over the country. It knocked me out for the past few weeks, and chicken noodle soup seemed to be mostly what I wanted to eat. When you’re not feeling so well though, and you want to make a nourishing bone broth, a rotisserie chicken comes in...

Hawaiian Sweet Bread Ice Cream Bombe
I was thinking about British Christmas Puddings one day recently, when I got the idea of making a Christmas Ice Cream Bombe instead. To make it extra easy and yummy, I used King’s Hawaiian Sweet Round Bread. Like so many households in Hawaii, these rounds were practically a staple in mine. Cut into wedges, and spread with butter,...

Pumpkin Pie in a Pumpkin
I love pumpkin pie, but I never make it or buy it, because I have one of those rare families that doesn’t really like pumpkin pie. One year early on, I made the mistake of getting a pumpkin pie, and I ended up eating all of it myself. The family choice has been blueberry pie...