Musings of a wife and mother, born and raised in Hawaii. Far away from home now, but creating and discovering bits of sunshine and paradise in everyday life.
Monthly archive February, 2017
Instant Potato Veggie Soup Packets

Instant Potato Veggie Soup Packets

It’s been rain, rain, rain in the whole state of California for weeks–definitely soup weather. Laurel, who’s away at college, requested I send her more soup packets to make in her dorm room. Last year I made her some Kale and Chickpea Soup Packets, which she and her friends loved. So I thought I’d stir...
Dancing Bride White Fudge

Dancing Bride White Fudge

I love creating recipes inspired by things I have seen or read. This is one of my favorites that I made a while ago for my dear friend, Frances, author of the Wordsworth the Poet series. As tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, it seems appropriate to share this sweet, romantic recipe today. ~I spy swirling brides’...