Doughnut Plant NYC Visit and Baked Donuts
This is the result of what happened after we got back from a visit to Doughnut Plant in New York City a few weeks ago. Cole and Kallie had been telling Laurel and Quill about this doughnut place, and they were all excited to try it out. Early one morning, we walked into Doughnut Plant...

Musubi Day
The weather’s been so nice lately, that it’s actually getting a little hot in the afternoons. We’re expecting temperatures in the 80’s by this weekend. Picnic weather = musubi weather. =) This morning I got up earlier than usual for some reason, so I decided to make some musubi. It’s usually too hectic to make...

Baked Pomme Frites with Curry Ketchup
In yesterday’s post I mentioned visiting Pomme Frites, a small restaurant specializing in Belgian french fries and dipping sauces, on our way back from visiting the Statue of Liberty. The kids enjoyed them, so I thought I’d try to make a home version. The original pomme frites are deep fried twice–the first time to cook...

The Statue of Liberty & Pomme Frites
Breathtaking. Our national symbol of freedom. I finally got a chance to see her in person. Over the spring break, we took a little trip to New York City! Still slowly recovering from jet lag and all the hustle and bustle of NYC. Laurel and Quill both had homework and projects due. Boy, what’s with...