Musings of a wife and mother, born and raised in Hawaii. Far away from home now, but creating and discovering bits of sunshine and paradise in everyday life.
Monthly archive August, 2011
I'm Dreaming of Cakes...

I’m Dreaming of Cakes…

I yearned for cake and I yearned for home.
Teriyaki Mushroom Bison Burgers

Teriyaki Mushroom Bison Burgers

We love burgers. Something about warm weather and sunshine screams "Teri Burgers!"
Spicy Noodle Salad with Shrimp

Spicy Noodle Salad with Shrimp

Hmm… what should I  make for dinner on a hot summer day? I already had about a pound of cooked whole wheat pasta in my refrigerator. Ahh, a chilled noodle salad would be perfect! Mix the dressing together in a big bowl and toss in the noodles until they are well coated. Add a pound...
Cabernet Oxtail Stew

Cabernet Oxtail Stew

Instead of a traditional local style oxtail soup in a thin broth with peanuts, I wanted to try making oxtails in a thicker, savory stew. I started off by browning the meat, then onions, and covered it with about half a bottle of cabernet sauvignon, and added mushrooms.
Time to Start a Blog

Time to Start a Blog

For years, my family and friends have enjoyed my Hawaiian cakes so much that they kept telling me to open a bakery. Unfortunately, state laws prevent me from selling homemade goods, and the time and expense of opening a real brick and mortar business is unrealistic. Right now I just don’t have the time to...