Musings of a wife and mother, born and raised in Hawaii. Far away from home now, but creating and discovering bits of sunshine and paradise in everyday life.
Posts tagged "San Francisco"
San Francisco Japantown (Part 2)

San Francisco Japantown (Part 2)

This post continues our outingĀ  in San Francisco Japantown. If you missed Part 1,click here. After exploring the shops for a few hours and spending a good chunk of time at Kinokuniya Bookstore, we were ready for a break. Laurel and Quill really wanted to try some crepes, as we had been passing by two...
San Francisco Japantown-Part 1

San Francisco Japantown-Part 1

We took a little trek over to San Francisco during Spring Break and spent some time wandering around Japantown. There were of course tons of places to eat and shop, but whenever I go somewhere and see something related to Hawaii, I have to take a look. And so Aloha Warehouse beckoned me. This little...