Musings of a wife and mother, born and raised in Hawaii. Far away from home now, but creating and discovering bits of sunshine and paradise in everyday life.
Posts tagged "pomme frites"
Baked Pomme Frites with Curry Ketchup

Baked Pomme Frites with Curry Ketchup

In yesterday’s post I mentioned visiting Pomme Frites, a small restaurant specializing in Belgian french fries and dipping sauces, on our way back from visiting the Statue of Liberty. The kids enjoyed them, so I thought I’d try to make a home version. The original pomme frites are deep fried twice–the first time to cook...
The Statue of Liberty & Pomme Frites

The Statue of Liberty & Pomme Frites

Breathtaking. Our national symbol of freedom. I finally got a chance to see her in person. Over the spring break, we took a little trip to New York City! Still slowly recovering from jet lag and all the hustle and bustle of NYC. Laurel and Quill both had homework and projects due. Boy, what’s with...