Reminiscing on Halloween
We did a lot of research on space aliens, Area 51, and Roswell several years ago, when Quill decided she liked aliens. We even made a trip to New Mexico and visited the Roswell UFO Museum. And yes, it was very cheesy. Whenever Quill likes something, she researches the subject matter thoroughly (unfortunately these subject...

Busy Day Salsa Soup
Some days you’re just running around all day. Yesterday was a day like that for me, and in between all my errands, I made a quick run to Trader Joe’s. The nice thing about going to Trader Joe’s, is that they always have some nice food samples to munch on. They taste especially good when...

Zombie Mac and Cheese Brain
Zombies have been on my mind lately. With Halloween right around the corner, I thought I’d whip up some zombie themed fun. The first thing we need is a brain, as zombies love them so much. Some mac and cheese is in order! I was going for simple, so I tinkered with some box mixes. Any...

Party Spam Musubi
Spam musubi– a perennial favorite. A slice of spam sandwiched between rice and wrapped in seaweed. How could I fancy it up? Hmm…what if I cut the spam into fancy shapes? I like to use Lite spam. Although lower in fat, sodium and calories than the regular spam, it’s still not exactly a healthy food,...

Tiger Mini Pumpkins filled with Pearl Couscous and Sauteed Mushrooms
Fall is finally here! Temperatures in the high 70’s feel so pleasant. I was taken with these little “Baby Tiger” mini pumpkins. So many varying combinations of white, orange and green. What should I make with them? Roast ’em and stuff ’em. Use a sharp paring knife to slowly and carefully cut out the stem...

Greek Yogurt Slushies
The heat has finally died down and today the temperature is expected to only reach 80 degrees. Yes!!!! The past four days of temperatures in the 94 to 98 degree range has been, well, too hot. It feels strange seeing pumpkins and fall decorations in the stores when the weather is so hot. I’ve been...