Reminiscing on Halloween
We did a lot of research on space aliens, Area 51, and Roswell several years ago, when Quill decided she liked aliens. We even made a trip to New Mexico and visited the Roswell UFO Museum. And yes, it was very cheesy. Whenever Quill likes something, she researches the subject matter thoroughly (unfortunately these subject...

An Impromtu Tea and Healthier Deviled Meat Spread
Every once in a while when I’m feeling nostalgic, I think about some of the things I used to eat when I was little. One of the things I loved to eat was deviled meat (from those little cans) sandwiches on white bread. Alright, I can hear all the “yucks” and “grosses” out there, but...

Blueberry Taro Lava Rock Muffins
Lovely to behold– the lava rock muffin. “Scrapbook of Memories: Pu’uhonu o Honaunau, Place of Refuge, Big Island of Hawaii” In old times, if you broke any laws, your only hope was to make it to here and be absolved by the kahuna (high priest) of your wrongdoing. Only problem was that you had to...

Ice Cream Slushies
So yesterday was actually this summer's 9th day of reaching 100 degrees or higher. Compared to the city average of 23 days of triple degree weather, that seems actually pretty good. It's been three hot weeks of school so far for my kids. Taking the bus and walking home in this kind of heat...