Seed filled Jack-O-Lanterns and Skeleton Heads
For the past few years, I’ve been trying to make something Halloween related that doesn’t involve sugar. I wasn’t sure if I’d get around to it this year, but yesterday I came up with the idea of these Jack-o-lanterns and Jack the Pumpkin King (from the awesome movie classic Nightmare before Christmas) skeleton heads. They...

Bat Musubi
It’s that spooky time of year again. A bat theme seems appropriate, since Laurel proclaimed she is dressing up as a bat! Search for bat templates online. I found mine here and printed out the large bat. Look for wings that aren’t too long and skinny–those are harder to cut out and work with. This bat is...

Candy Corned Squash (Delicata, Butternut and Cauliflower)
Red Kabocha, Bluebell Hubbard and Delicata Squash The Farmers Markets are filled so many beautiful pumpkins and squash this time of year. I was surprised to discover Red Kabocha Squash with skin the most intense shade of orange. I ended up getting so many squash, that carrying them turned out to be a workout! How about some...

Roasted Sweet Potato Jack-o-Lantern Faces and Ghosts
I was so excited to think up of making these jack-o-lantern faces and ghosts with roasted sweet potato slices– something healthy and festive. I didn’t find out until after I had made them, and did a little surfing online, that someone had already done the sweet potato jack-o-lantern faces last year. Oh well, it’s still...

Reminiscing on Halloween
We did a lot of research on space aliens, Area 51, and Roswell several years ago, when Quill decided she liked aliens. We even made a trip to New Mexico and visited the Roswell UFO Museum. And yes, it was very cheesy. Whenever Quill likes something, she researches the subject matter thoroughly (unfortunately these subject...

Zombie Mac and Cheese Brain
Zombies have been on my mind lately. With Halloween right around the corner, I thought I’d whip up some zombie themed fun. The first thing we need is a brain, as zombies love them so much. Some mac and cheese is in order! I was going for simple, so I tinkered with some box mixes. Any...