Hawaiian Petroglyph Cookies
Ki’i Pohaku (Stone Image) Cookies Petroglyphs can be found on all the Hawaiian Islands, but most of them are located on the Big Island of Hawaii. The ancient Hawaiians made pictures in fields of smooth pahoehoe lava rock, boulders, and cliffs. Some petroglyphs tell stories or events, while others are just pictures of people, animals, things or symbols. Cookies...

Giant Bakesale Snickerdoodles
Sorry for the quietness on the blog lately. I’ve been really busy with the usual house and kid stuff. Use a 1/3 cup ice cream scoop to scoop the dough~ One thing for sure is, if you’ve got kids, you’ve been asked to bake something for a bake sale at school or for extracurricular fundraisers numerous...

Enchanted Forest Cookies
It all started when I first saw these whole grain tree branch cookie cutters. “How odd, but interesting…” I mused. Then, I had to have them. Quirk is my middle name. My chai cookie dough is the perfect color for this. I rolled the dough out about 1/4″ thick and started cutting out the branches. The...

Chewy Chai Cookies
We’re awaiting a massive rainstorm here in a couple of hours– part 2 of 3 storms, with over 5 inches of rain expected by the end of this weekend. Waiting for thunderstorms with possible flooding can get you a little antsy. While the storm’s brewing, I’ll try to keep calm by brewing up a pot...

Cornflake Cookies
Most of us, especially those of us of a “certain age” are sure to be familiar with Tony the Tiger. If you spent any part of your childhood watching cartoons on television, I’m sure you’ve seen him rave about frosted flakes. Tony is the childhood friend we, and even our kids all had. Last week was...