My life is like Ichigo Daifuku- Fresh Strawberry and Sweet Bean filled Mochi from Shoki Ramen
It’s been a bit crazy here lately. I can’t believe it’s almost the end of the school year.
Seems like Laurel and Quill have had project after project after project due– big, major ones in science, language arts, history! Multiple ones due on same day for Quill– can’t the teachers talk to each other and stagger the due dates? So anyway, sorry I haven’t been blogging as much lately, I’ve been running around to office supply stores and craft stores getting poster boards, and paint and a variety of project supplies, driving carpools, and generally being mom.
I started a bit a spring cleaning too, quite overdue. Kallie has been using her organization skills and helping me, starting with the coat closet. I wanted to keep the neon pink windbreaker–you know, just in case the girls need it for neon dress up day at school.
“It’s hard to find a neon jacket like this anymore,” I explained to Kallie.
“My point exactly,” she quipped, “it’s out of style. It’s going.”
Life right now is extremely full, but sweet, because it’s exactly where I should be.