Cold Poached Chicken Tenderloins with Ginger and Green Onion Sauce
Author: Guava Rose
Prep time: 15 mins
Cook time: 15 mins
Total time: 30 mins
An easy version of Chinese Green Onion and Ginger Chicken
  • 1-1/4 lbs. small chicken tenderloins (approx. 4" long, 1-1/2"wide, ½" thick)
  • 10" bamboo skewers, about 12
  • ¼ c. olive oil
  • 3 T. finely chopped green onions
  • 2 T. finely minced ginger root
  • ½ tsp. sea salt
  1. For the sauce, combine all ingredients in a small bowl and set aside. Save the ginger root peels for the poaching.
  2. Weave the chicken tenderloins onto the skewers.
  3. Place the ginger peels into a large saucepan and fill with 1-1/2" to 2" of water. Cover the pan and bring to a rolling boil. Place as many skewers as will fit in a single layer into the liquid. Cover the pan, turn off the heat, and remove from the heat source. The chicken should be cooked after 5 minutes or so. If not, cover again and recheck until they are cooked through. Remove skewers from the liquid. Reboil the liquid and repeat the process to cook the remaining chicken.
  4. Once chicken skewers have cooled, cover tightly and chill well.
  5. To serve, arrange skewers on a platter and spoon sauce over the tops right before serving.
  6. Note: If you prepare this the day before serving and refrigerate the sauce, the olive oil will turn cloudy and solidify. Simply allow time for the sauce to come to room temperature, or rest the bowl of sauce in a bowl of hot water until the oil is liquid again.
Recipe by Guava Rose at